Profile banner for bacon_mom



I am a Twitch Partner and Creative Artist who enjoys making beauty in the virtual world. I come to this game to visit with friends, share stories, have fun in the Minecraft game, and supplement my income in a difficult world.


I am a creative artist and tips are very welcome in the support jar. [Click here for the support jar](


1. Please be Friendly and full of Help for all people. 2.Private message me for private messages! 3. Leave the worries of the world out of chat by not talking about politics, sex, religion, or any other games that have winners and losers. 4. Please feel free to return again, soon and often. 5. Feel free to share your success with us and make our day happy too.

Favorite Quotes of Bacon_Mom

1. Anything worth doing well is worth doing badly for a long time until you get it right. 2. Don't let the bad manners of other people change the good person who you really are inside. 3. If there is something you don't like about your 'Art', make it part of the plan. 4. Honey if you are good, people will find you and support you. 5. The best things in life are found on the beach at LOW tide. 6. Bloom where you are planted.

Play List

1.... 'Family Day' by Patrick O'Gorman. The O' 2....Cape Breton Lullaby, Neil Hellman and Friends... 3. On my Way to Dreamland...Kathy Reid-Naiman Barry Phillips - Inis Oirr on his album Cello