ผู้ติดตาม 71 คน


BanCyberTrucks สตรีม การพัฒนาซอฟต์แวร์และเกม

Hey there!! Im a Software / Game Developer currently working on a CYOA framework. I hope you enjoy the content and interacting with others in chat :)
My Schedule changes from week to week. But for the most part im going to try to keep it as follows: Monday / Wednesday / Friday 4PM - 7PM (Central Time)
Following lets me know that you are interest in my games and help me gauge what kinds of streams people are interested in. Weather its coding, art, or music.
Tips are temporarily disabled
Q: Project Puncture? A: Project Puncture was born out of request from an erotic story writer. You may notice some features / elements might be centered around that feature. Dont worry, nothing NSFW will be worked on whilst streaming here. Q: Can I play your games? A: Yes.... When it comes out. If you dont want to wait till then. Just hang out in the stream. You might get a chance to be a test the game Q: What do you do for a living? A: Im a freelance Software / Game Developer Q: Where did you learn to do all this stuff? A: lots of time watching youtube tutorials, articles, and going to school. Q:Where can I buy the game? A: Nowhere yet, im in the process of making a website to host game data
Dont be a jerk, for realz. Any malicious trolling, arguments, or spam will get you an instaban... so be mindful of how you talk to others.