Баннер профиля для banestar

90 фолловеров


Banestar стримит Siralim Ultimate.

Содержимое панели
Hello I am Banestar. My favorite games are Ace Attorney, Persona 4, 999, Valkyrie Profile, Final Fantasy Tactics, and Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. I am going to stream random things when i find the time!
Содержимое панели
- NO SPOILERS (The only thing that is a spoiler in my opinion is purposefully revealing story elements that ruin the experience of a game) - No harassment of any kind to me or anyone else in chat - No Spamming / Copypasta - Have fun :)
Содержимое панели
Here is a link to my twitter page. Feel free to follow if you enjoyed the stream :)


All times are in CST Schedule TBD