Profile banner for bangerzz421



Hello, Im Bangerzz. Im a gamer for central Texas. I play mostly FPS, alot of Halo 5. I belong to a group called "The Moist Bois".

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Hello everyone! Welcome to my channel. Im a gamer from Texas. I am a co-founder of a group called “The Moist Bois”. If you interested in joining our community message me for more info. I play mostly FPS (halo 5). I enjoy hanging out and streaming with friends. My stream is always a laugh...come say hi!
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Thanks For Subbing...Everything help build my channel... Sub Rewards: *Priority Invites for Games *Sub only giveaways for milestones reached (25,50,100,ect...) *Gifted subs for milestones reached(25,50,100,etc...) *My emotes *Snapchat (to see behind the scenes)
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Monday: 9:30pm central Wednesday: 9:30pm central Friday: 9:30pm central Saturday: TBD
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If you enjoy the channel and want to help it grow. The first upgrade I plan to do once I reach enough donations is getting a better mic. For every 50,000 bits donated I’ll be doing a giveaway. For every $50 donated I’ll gift subs at random.
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Business Inquiries: Info: Daniel Xbox Gt: Bangerzz421 Feel free to add me or join me as i play. I mostly play Halo 5, some COD, and UNO
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Keep it fun and light. No friendly fire. Just here to have a good time with you guys.
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