Profile banner for banjothings



#BanjoThings. Retro fun and sometimes something new.


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Rules are as follows and are very very simple. 1. Listen to the mods. If they say no then do not pester me. No means no. 2. If you have a link ask a mod if it is OK to send it to them and then they will decide whether or not to post it. 3. Just do not be a jackass. Yes this is the internet and there are a lot of em here just don't expect to stay long if you are one.


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If you would like to donate it would mean a lot. Every cent goes to the stream. So if you choose to click on the pic above and fund something awful... THANK YOU in advance.


Got a game for me to play? Tell me or the mods and we shall see if I can get it and play it.

About Me

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I am Banjo. My Real Name Does not matter. I am 34 years old. I love all types of games even if I am awful at them all.