Profile banner for beardsandbattleaxes



A very geeky channel that is very passionate about TTRPGs, and all sorts of nerdery! Come join our community, and play some games!

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I'm a big bearded dude that loves playing games of all kinds, and wants to share those experiences with you! Games I can be found streaming at any given time: World of Warcraft (Retail and Classic) Star Wars the Old Republic Overwatch Playerunkown's Battlegrounds Retro RPGs Diablo 2 Anything my people want to see!
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If you are able throw some monetary love my way. It will help me keep my system upgraded, and to ensure we always have new games to experience together! Thank you for your support! (Donations are non-refundable)
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* Respect each other. * No hate speech or bullying. * Do not ask to play unprompted. I will ask to play with viewers at the appropriate times. * Do not argue with the Mods.
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Check out that beard on IG!
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Follow me to keep up with updates, news, and whatever random stuff I tweet!
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Wanna feed the Beard? Go for it! Seriously though this shit is expensive so only do so if it amuses you to do so!