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I speedrun Ninja Gaiden and Super Mario 64. Sometimes I dabble in other games.

Panel Content
I primarily speedrun Ninja Gaiden (NES) and Super Mario 64. Previously I also ran Super Dodge Ball on the NES, but I became burnt out on that game after getting podium times on the 100% categories across the three difficulty levels. This is a pretty chill stream where I just want to hang out and speedrun retro games. That said I do sometimes get frustrated with the game and yell and swear so this is not a PG stream by any means.
Panel Content
**Ninja Gaiden (NES)** - 12m 09s (Any%) - 12m 29s (Low%) **Super Mario 64** - 17m 10s (16 Star) **Contra** - 11m 07s (Any%) **Bomberman 64** - 29m 48s (Any%) **Ready 2 Rumble Boxing (N64)** - 3m 13s (Arcade Mode) **Tetris (NES)** - 4m 30s (100 Lines) **Super Dodge Ball** - 5m 23s (100% Easy) - 5m 59s (100% Normal) - 9m 03s (100% Difficult) - 5m 19s (Any% Easy) - 6m 04s (Any% Normal) - 9m 16s (Any% Difficult) **Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!** - 24m 54s (Single Segment) **Super Street Fighter 2: TNC (Genesis)** - 11m 19s (Ken, Normal) - 11m 43s (Ryu, Normal) **Streets of Rage 2** - 38m 37s (Axel, Normal)
Panel Content
—— From Streamers —— !3am !ahah !arcadestick !audiocue !bigproblems !bs !buttfart !canwe !chipbetter !clippable !complete !cube !cya !dale !deal !derp !dick !dickout !dong !dontclip !dontneedwr !dumbass !doubleko !fast !fatb !fff !fsb !fine !first !freakout !fthisgame !gibberish !goddammit !gonnadie !grandma !haha !holyshit !horrible !humble !kenpaqui !likeabutt !losetojaq !madonna !manips !master !mike !mngfault !mngno !mybehind !mybutthole !mylegs !no !nopb !notover !nozzle !oliveoil !oowah !ooym !pbf !penis !poorbaby !power !proud !shutup !slow !teehee !teehee2 !thosesplits !wegotit !yay !yb !vega !wtf —— From Media —— !ambulance !annoying !argh !damage !denied !dickkick !dicktwist !ehonda !fuu !freshair !goaway !hangingout !hockeyplayers !holyschnikes !howmuchpot !letsplay !mad !makeitbetter !pissed !pleasure !sexyflanders !stab !sticky !sucks !suicide !supermarket !tatsu !twss !uhoh !wellthenfu !wyl