Profile banner for beatemups



Wood is me - |

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Hi! Be kind, rewind <3 * [My Youtube]( * [My Twitter]( * [My Instagram]( * [My Patreon]( * [My Merch]( !soundalerts

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**ABIDE BY MY RULES:** * No caps lock * No random links * No spam * Don't Be Meanies * No Swears * NO SPOILERS * Have a good time! I will use my off-brand budget Thor powers to Ban Hammer those who cannot read/abide by these rules.
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(Secret Sound Bite Menu) 123 Bits - CLIP THAT CHAT! 380 Bits - This Game Sucks 420 Bits - Naughty little guy 699 Bits - Licking Sonic 1000 Bits - KIIIINGGGG! 1999 Bits - Nintendo Switch Menu Sound Effects - Waddoop Remix Donate the EXACT amount to play these sounds!
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