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BeautifulChocolateMan31 is a nickname I was given back in high school. Give your boi a follow for that juicy A1 content!

Welcome to the channel ya'll!

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Go by Dion or BCM either or. Play video games for content and competitiveness. Love League of Legends, RPGs, MMOs, Survival, FPS, and well any other game that gets me frustrated or annoyed. Be respectful to not only myself but others as well and no self promotion without approval from myself. Besides that, welcome to the fam and hope you enjoy!

About the BeautifulChocolateMan

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-Been on this planet for 28 years -Huge Gamer -Huge Anime fan -Gym enthusiast -Practice and study Nichiren Daishonin Buddhism (Member since 2015) -Competitive AF -Cooler than the other side of the pillow -All love no stress or hate please <3 -31 was my high school football number

Chat commands, don't be shy! Mi casa es su casa (My house is your house)

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Donations will go towards spoiling my bratty rabbits and making their lives even more amazing than it already is lol appreciate the love everyone <3