Biểu ngữ hồ sơ cho benjamin_wheeler

17,6 N người theo dõi


Đang truyền trực tiếp Magic: The Gathering với 220 người xem

I stream Magic: The Gathering and Soulsborne games.

Nội dung bảng điều khiển
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
Wheeler is part of the Card Kingdom network! Card Kingdom is the best place for spending less money when buying cards and receiving more money when selling or trading your unwanted bulk. Use my [Card Kingdom Affiliate Link]( to help out the channel!
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
I stream regularly from Tuesday -> Friday, as well as a bonus non-MTG stream on Sundays.
[Buy a Coffee or Black Ooze for Wheeler!]( [Donate to help out the channel!] (
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
[Twitter]( [Patreon](
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
Hello, yes, I am Wheeler. It's great to be here. Supporting Wheeler also means supporting tournaments and community resources for Gladiator: Arena Singleton. So please, be generous, your parents might even thank you for using their credit card. Want to support Wheeler via non-Bezos means? Check out my [Patreon]( or [donate directly]( It helps out a ton!