bennyblanq 的個人檔案橫幅

296 位追隨者


My name is Bennyblanq, I’m a part time streamer because my life is kinda crazy.

Hi, my name is BennyBlanq I'm just an average gamer, i wanna make videos to make people laugh and always have a good time no matter which videos they watch there will be some where ill do complete garbage and ones ill do amazing, having fun and enjoyment is what i wanna do to help out other people to bring in joy and laughter into the video. I hope all of you guys enjoy my channel and I will try my best to entertain all of you at home or wherever you are. Thank you for stopping by!
- Respect everyone- No spamming - Just be friendly - Have fun, make friends, play games (>^.^)> - No Racism. Any kind of terms of racism to hurt someone or to present hate towards a specific race/ethnic group/persons will not be tolerated. Just don't use something that you know should not be used in any normal circumstance .*WILL BE BANNED IMMEDIATELY. NO IF ANDS OR BUTS* (HEHE BUTS)
Under construction!!


If you guys wanna support me you may but its your decision.