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Hi, I'm Benny, and I make games.

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**WHO ARE YOU?** I'm Benny, a 30 year old New Zealander software engineer by day and making games, music, hosting the game design and developer interview podcast RPG Maker Cola (currently in between seasons) by night. I'm of Samoan/European mix and I have ADHD, so forgive me if I forget what I'm doing while I'm doing it. Aspiring video essay writer about, well, games. Not physically fit. Ambitious, passionate, optimistic and then pessimistic in turn. You choose if he's funny. Spontaneous yet planned. Thoughtful yet unthoughtful, like the thoughts are things that just exist, you know? Affectionate yet standoffish. Outgoing, yet in-not-going. Sweetie? Nahhhhh. **WHAT GAMES DO YOU LIKE/DISLIKE?** I don't have many genres I dislike, but I do dislike mindless repetitiveness. I enjoy deep meanings, metaphors, and well-thought-out mechanics. I enjoy innovation and trying something new. I also tend to play shorter games, since then I can experience a greater variety, but lately I have been able to be engrossed in some longer games, too. I use my own algorithm of positive Steam reviews, Metacritic scores and runtime to create a list of which games I should check out first. **WHAT ENGINE DO YOU USE TO MAKE GAMES?** I've used RPG Maker since forever but I'm making my next project in Unity. It's called "Paper Thin" and it's a life sim with romance elements and it's pretty surreal. I plan to have timetable simulation, relationship simulation and choices that matter very deeply, like in D&D or Disco Elysium. Yeah, that kind of game. Hopefully it's fun.
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I'm currently on general hiatus, and stream when I want!
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it's fine