Ben Stark. Been playing magic for 30 years, been alive for 40. Magic Hall of Famer, PT Champion, and long time Pro Player. I don't have a schedule, and stream at random times, but my most common streams will be on weekday afternoons est.

Spikes Academy

I made a comprehensive limited course for Spikes Academy. It's an evergreen abstract limited theory course designed to teach how to evaluate cards, build sealeds, and draft decks. [Spikes Academy](https://spikesacademy.com/p/the-limited-way-by-ben-stark)


Panel Content
Book 1on1 MTG Coaching Sessions with me!


My stream is now sponsored by ChampionsTCG. Check out this new fun digital card game and support my stream when you sign up using my referral link! https://championstcg.com/app/login?referral=142d2f7b-a3d8-4104-8bd4-17ac4e987b0d Also get 10% off any purchase when using code BenS on checkout!


Thanks for stopping by my channel! The purpose of my stream is to analyze, over-analyze, and then analyze everything again until you hate analysis!! I only stream limited and usually play on Arena. ## Current Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, and Thursdays 5PM EST- 10PM EST! ## Discord: The link to my discord is [here](https://discord.gg/nhc3Ty4). The discord is open to everyone (though there is a sub only channel, too.) Come join for more discussion on all things limited!


My name is Ben Stark, and I'm a professional Magic: the Gathering players. I'm in the Hall of Fame class of 2013, and I'm the Pro Tour Paris 2011 champion. I also hold the record for most Grand Prix 2nd place finishes!!

Connect with Me

I've started a [youtube channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCayul8sNRs5TatadTyYh4Eg) where I will be posting VODS from my stream, draft videos, as well as more limited content! You can also follow me on [twitter](https://twitter.com/BenS_MTG) or join my [discord](https://discord.gg/nhc3Ty4), which is open to all.

Support my Work

I love creating limited content and your support is what allows me to make more! There are several ways you can help support me: ## Subscribe Tier 1- $4.99 Tier 2- $9.99 Tier 3- $24.99 Subscriptions are monthly and give you access to cool emotes and the sub only discord channel. ## Donate I accept donations via [StreamLabs](https://streamlabs.com/bens_mtg). If you choose to donate it's much appreciated but be aware donations are not refundable.