Profile banner for berkberk



Emcee. Actor. LA native and loyal Clippers fan. Current games: Summoners War, M:tG (original architect of Aggro Slivers in Modern), Minecraft, and Valorant.

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###Top 10 Supporters 1. **kaiuzz**: $2,600.00 2. **Suliman55001**: $1,120.00 3. **apachexx1337**: $730.00 4. **ohheyquyen**: $624.04 5. **aspec06**: $584.09 6. **TrueWhale**: $509.99 7. **Emptei**: $444.99 8. **a_renay**: $270.00 9. **Warrior1298**: $201.50 10. **Terra_of_PixelGun**: $167.20 Tips are never required but always appreciated. Top 10 list includes both cheers and PayPal tips, and is updated manually between streams. (conversion rate: 1 cheer = updated 6/29/20 Special thanks to prins23, bpmastamind, scarymonsterr, apachexx1337, omen_16, pushreset, and everyone else mass gifting subs! Y'all awesome!
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###Sub Benefits - Exclusive emotes and [sub badges]( - Priority for Jackbox/other multiplayer games - No ads - Earn an extra 3 useless dabs every 5 minutes - Better battle stats in Berkibot mini-games - Clout berkIdk And (possibly) more!
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M-F 6pm-ish PST (or PDT if you're reading this half a year from now and I forget to change it) Weekends when I feel like it. No streams on days I'm on set; [join the Discord]( for live updates on when I will (or won't) stream next!
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What's good y'all. I go by BerkBerk, or Berk for short. SW is the first game I streamed. I'm washed up these days, but I still love the game because the community is awesome. My other regular game is Magic: the Gathering, which I've been playing since 1994. I took a break from the game for a few years, but I've rediscovered my passion and am back full swing. My favorite format is Modern (Day 2'd GP LA with no byes!) My ultimate goal is to qualify for a P̶r̶o̶ Players' Tour. Burn was my first love, but I'm currently infatuated with Slivers. I love to brew, and I'm the creator of a both [5C (Oko) Burn]( and [Aggro Slivers]( I go by JustBurn420 on MTGO because apparently "berk" is a bad word according to their account creation censors. I'm also pretty addicted to Pokemon Go, specifically GBL. Haven't been able to break out of Rank 8 yet, but I'mma keep trying. We also play Jackbox here at times, with Party Pack 1-5 all on rotation. I have also streamed: Lineage 2: Revolutions (shout out to the former Berktatorship) League of Legends (unranked noob) Hearthstone (top rank: 4) Pokemon Duel (top rank: Legend) other random games (some more embarrassing than others) music production ###Personal Info **Location**: LA **Age**: ain't nothing but a number **Business inquiries e-mail:** ###Summoners War Info **IGN**: BerkBerk??? *(**Beware of the many impostors!** If you visit me in-game, the real me has only 3 islands.)* **Server**: Global **Channel**: 420 **Guild**: EpicFail.Alpha [(now recruiting!)]( **GW Legends Won**: 58 (Malicious: 22, EpicFail.Alpha: 35) **Highest Arena Rank**: 2nd **Highest ToA Rank**: 10th **Fastest Runs**: Giants b10: 0:27 (Lushen, Lushen, Galleon, Taor, Lyn) Dragons b10: 0:39 (Verde, Galleon, Lyn, Tarq, Tarq) Necro b10: 0:55 (Lushen, Hwahee, Loren, Loren, Tarq) Rift Raid r5: 1:05 (front: Dias, Lisa, Colleen, back: Xiao Lin, Hwa, Perna. Teammates: Aspec, Aspec extra placement.)
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- **No bigotry.** All races, nationalities, genders, and orientations are welcome here. - **No harassment.** Please don't harass other viewers in any way. Let's keep it respectful. - **No promoting cheating of any kind in any game.** This includes counterfeit cards, hacks, exploits, bots, currency selling services, account selling/trading, scams, and all other forms of shadiness. Have some damn integrity. - **No links.** Links can be trouble. Sorry, I get paranoid. - **No self-promotion.** We now have a channel on Discord for that! - **No song requests.** DMCA reasons. That and it's on shuffle, and I'm lazy. My bad.
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After a couple years off IG, I'm back and finally making it public. Follow me!
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It's 2021 and I'm finally adding a Discord link here! Hop in for stream notices and random chat.
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New stream playlist courtesy of [Rhymesayers Entertainment]( NEW GROUP, ALBUM COMING SOON! [Old Stream Playlist]( updated 6/9/17 [Soundcloud]( Latest track: [GamerDude2088 - Violent Procs (f/ Berkilak420)](
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Artists make the world a better (looking) place. A big thank you to LaotianSniperX for the awesome Berk420 logo! I can't say thank you enough to [Emptei]( and his wife for the incredible drawing of Lushen and Bernard, the beautiful painting of Camilla and Lamor, and the new emotes! Thanks to [SavvyStarfruit]( for the old set of emotes (on display below for nostalgia), sub badges, and that fancy vector background! Thank you (I think) to [Nadehiera]( for her Berkoala drawing (inspired by [this]( Jewbagel vid). Finally, thanks for the random sketches of me! Shaved head and long hair drawings by !nked<3noble and JV respectively.
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