Profile banner for bhtt



Aqui podes acompanhar um conteúdo num ambiente mais relaxado, onde o foco é ajudar o próximo enquanto se tenta ser melhor! Principalmente focado em CS, por vezes também costumo trazer mais jogos (single player) enquanto se cria uma ligação com quem acompanha.

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**CPU:** AMD RYZEN 9 5900X 3.7Ghz **GPU:** NVIDIA 3080 **RAM:** 16GB DDR4 @ 3200Mhz **OS:** Windows 11 64bits **Screen:** BenQ XL2540K **Headset:** Logitech Pro X Wireless headset **Mouse:** Logitech G Pro Superlight White **Mousepad:** VAXEE PA FUNSPARK **Keyboard:** RAZER BLACKWIDOW TOURNAMENT EDITION **Bungie:** ZOWIE CAMADE **Microphone:** Blue Yeti
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##Q: Who do you play for? I'm currently playing for ... ##Q: Can i get your config? Download it [Here]( Grenade config only [Here]( ##Q: Skin Donations? -- I will NEVER ask anyone for donations, but if you want to donate any skins i'll be gratefull. -- Here is the link: [DONATE](
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**Launch:** -console -novid -freq 240 **Resolution:** 1280x960 (stretched) **Sensitivity:** 2.25 / 6 windows / 400 dpi ###Crosshair cl_crosshairstyle "4" cl_crosshairgap "-3" cl_crosshairsize "1.5" cl_crosshairdot "0" cl_crosshairthickness "0.5" cl_crosshair_drawoutline "1" cl_crosshair_outlinethickness "0.5" cl_crosshairgap_useweaponvalue "0" cl_crosshaircolor "4" cl_crosshaircolor_b "0" cl_crosshaircolor_g "0" cl_crosshaircolor_r "255" cl_crosshair_sniper_width "1" CSGO-3h4vr-xXXkp-tGYf4-XWvPd-97DRE ###Graphic Settings **Boost Player Contrast:** Enabled **Vertical Sync:** Disabled **Anti Aliasing:** 2x Msaa **Global Shadow:** High **Model Texture:** Medium **Texture Filtering:** Anisotropic 2x **Shader:** Low **Particle Detail:** Low **Ambient Occlusion:** Medium **HDR:** Performance **FidelityFX:** Disabled **NVIDIA Reflex:** Enabled ###Viewmodel viewmodel_fov "68" viewmodel_offset_x "2.5" viewmodel_offset_y "0" viewmodel_offset_z "-1.5" viewmodel_presetpos "3"