Profile banner for bidoorr



Streaming Grand Theft Auto V with 26 viewers

bidoorr streams Grand Theft Auto V.

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Hi, Video game streamer. I love my dogs more than anything, then Star Wars comes next. I enjoy comic book movies (and comic books), I love reading books (I mostly read Star Wars let's be honest here). I love having fun and I hope you have fun chilling here. Wanna see me play a game, let me know which one and I'll check it out. I'm not a pro player, I just love games and want to have fun. Yes, even if I rage quit.
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- Please be nice and respectful. - Let's just sit down, relax, and have fun. - Do NOT self promote unless permitted to
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Follow me on twitter, I usually retweet star wars things and have really random thoughts.
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Donations are much appreciated but not necessary. It would go towards raffles, games, and probably my dogs. Yup definitely towards my dogs.