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Just a tall hairy giant from New York that is currently living the California life. Bringing the good vibes & family love to not only my community but to others as well.

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Hello my name is Angelo but most call me Ang. I'm 30 years old. Stage 4 cancer survivor (Hodgkin's lymphoma). Born and raised in New York but currently live in California. Been gaming since I was kid. Used to play sports (mostly Football) now I just focus on drawing and gaming. Just trying to live a peaceful life as best I can.
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Donations are never expected or mandatory but greatly appreciated.
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1.Don't bash other streamers. 2.Don't be toxic. 3.Don't be a downer in chat. Will Gladly talk to you in private. 4.No Self Promotion. 5.Enjoy yourself
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Want amazing quality emotes/ sub badges quick then def go to Bilvyy. Quick response and constantly working with you to make sure your emotes are right. Click the image above :)