bigishfinger 프로필 배너

팔로워 590명


First the Finger then the ish!!

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All donations will be used to maintain the stream and help us grow! No refunds. Big thanks to: -TIBX -IntrepidDefiance -Ticca -Pulv -MrRamboRex -SemperKedgeTV -MajorMistake -Ms_Imaginary -TetraSkies -HairyKnees
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Come say hey on the twitters!
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Click that fallow button so you can see whatever shenanigans happen throughout the week!
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This channel may contain mature content and mature language, company names/brand names within this channel are not to be held responsible for this content. #1 Please be respectful to me, mods and everyone on chat! #2 Please leave religion, politics, race and any other sensitive subjects/jokes out of chat. Nothing ending with ‘ism please. You will get banned! #3 Donation(s) are not mandatory, but are very appreciated. #4 Donation(s) do not equal special treatment or favors. #5 Please don't self promote in chat or you will be timed out or get banned. #6 Do not release any personal information ie. Age address other sensitive information! #7 Have fun and stay positive!!!!
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