Profile banner for bigmato_


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Has science gone too far? Is this image real or fake? Just a Tomato who's new to streaming. Despite being a GMO tomato who can't speak (or can I) hopefully we can be friends! The avatar base 【Nasu_chan】 is made by midori. It's available for purchase [here!]( Just Do It! Motion by kitzabitza Head pat animation by KitoBallard Live2D and GIFTuber by [Yukii_Hatsune]( 3D Model ARKit and physics adjustments by Risa at [MisfitWorks]( Streaming overlay assets and logo text by Hana at [MisfitWorks](
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Join the discord if you'd like to interact more with me or the community! All my digital paintings will be made available for download here as well!
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Please don't donate if you're financially insecure. Non-refundable. PP Donate.
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Buy some super scuffed merch here.
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It helps a whole bunch, but do purchase only if you're sure. Tomato will love you forever if you do!