Profile banner for bigperma



Hey Fam! I am Cody aka Bigperm. I appreciate you taking the time to visit my channel and I hope you enjoy. You will most likely see FPS/Horror/Strategy titles but, I will play newer games when released! Again, thanks for being here and welcome to the Perm!

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What's good and welcome to my channel. My name is Cody, but you can call me Bigperm.. I love video games and hope to share that with you.I play on PC, Xbox, and Playstation. Be sure to get connected and say What Up!
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- Help support the stream - Sub only chat when enabled - Chat Emotes - Immune to slow mode - Subs Snapchat group - Get your tag called out on stream If you truly love the stream then join the Perm nation and help us to continue following our dream. No worries if you can not as every and anyone is welcome and I am grateful for you all.
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All Donations will be read on stream. I appreciate everyone who donates and/or hangs out no matter what!
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Welcome to the Perm. Think of this as your neighborhood Man Salon were you can kickback, relax and have a dope ass time. Anyone is welcome in the Perm nation so grab a seat. Following is not required, but greatly appreciated.

Crypto Donations Link!

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All Donations will be read on stream. I appreciate everyone who donates and/or hangs out no matter what!
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Think of this as a radio or tv show were you can call in and get whatever is on your mind out. Click the discord link, hop in and will talk about whatever. Simple. This is another way to interact and be heard through our community other than chat! Chat rules still apply so you have been warned. Thanks everyone!
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It is safe to assume that you will always find some first person shooter be it Pubg, R6, or Destiny. Look for me to play strategy games and play through's of the games I like and check the polls for the games you guys want me to play next. PS. I am a huge horror fan.
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Join me in Discord were you will find the community you have always been missing, but didn't even know it.
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Say we in here to me on twitter and find out every time I stream or post a dashing photograph!
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Hey! Is your dream to stream or work in the gaming industry in some form or fashion, but you find that you just do not know where to start.? We have all been there. Join the DOJO and you will find all the resources to get started and succeed at your fingertips. There are multiple courses from the top youtubers, streamers, and professional gamers. All I am saying is you do not want to wake up one day and know that you did not embrace your passion just because you did not know where to start. Its right here. Everything you need and it starts now!