Profile banner for bigtaffman



Streaming Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales with 27 viewers

Hi! I'm Taff and I am a full-time streamer who plays a variety of games. Everything we make on stream goes to charity and always will. The streams have a bit of chaotic energy, but we are also home to a great community, so feel jump in and say hello! Contact -

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Every penny the stream makes goes to charity. All money made on this channel through subs or bits are donated to charity. Currently we are supporting Stamma. You can donate through the Twitch Charity Extension.
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I am a massive tea fan and an affiliate to Bird and Blend. If you click the link on the image above then make a purchase we get a little money, and all the money I make will go to the charity we're supporting that month. You can enter a tea giveaway with 300 channel points to win a £10 Bird and Blend Voucher
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I run these streams for fun and any subscription or donation is very appreciated, but I am in a fortunate position where it means all money raised on streams will always be donated to charity. As of September 2022 we've donated over £10,000 to charity from this stream. You can check the charity we are supporting by typing !charity in chat.
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Ralph is my bulldog and the inspiration for all our channel artwork. You can follow Ralph's Instagram by clicking the box above
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Click the link above to find the amount of bits you can donate to trigger certain bit alerts! If you would ever like to suggest a new bit alert then let me know. All money made from bits goes to Charity.
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Coming into my early 40s it feels like I have been a gamer all my life and streaming on Twitch is a new way to keep playing games in a fun way. Everything we make on stream goes to charity which you can see more about in the charity section. I am a variety streamer but if I was to say I had a main game it would probably be Dead by Daylight. I started playing it in August 2020 and we play at least once a week. I am always up for playing new and interesting games so if you have any recommendation let me know! I would love to do more co-op streams so if there’s any games you'd like to play with me hit me up!
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Full rules can be found on the discord channel or by clicking the image above. This channel is a safe space for everyone. Be respectful The shortened rules are 1. Homophobia, racism, ableism, transphobia, sexism, or any other ism will not be tolerated. Any negative comments about peoples race, ethnicity, colour, caste, national origin, immigration status, religion, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, or any serious medical condition will result in a ban. 2. While Taff is straight this channel is LGBTQIA+ welcoming. We respect people's chosen pronouns and gender. 3. In line with Twitch policy we will not tolerate harassment in any form. If you are asked to stop making comments that you may think are complimentary, stop. This includes towards chat members and anyone Taff is streaming with. 4. Respect the decision of the moderators. Any issues with how things are dealt with should go to Taff directly. 5. On most occasions we will warn, then timeout and then ban, however if the offence is considered more serious we will ban immediately. 6. Breaking rules towards any community member in any other social media or Twitch channel may result in a ban. 7. No excessive characters or character spamming. 8. No impersonating others, or offensive usernames. If you would like to contact me anonymously regarding any issues you have had with any other people in chat or with the stream or discord you can at this form :