Profile banner for bill_and_rick




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🍺 We are Dave and Tim. 🍺 We are unprofessional gamers and party streamers (yes, like the festive paper that you twist and tape to your cupboards to show that your event is ready for that... serious fun). We are self-taught master voice actors and karaoke artists. We've got our phDs in awesome with a minor in kicking butt. 🍺 Welcome to the bar. :)
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🍺 1. Be kind and respectful. No hate speech, rude comments, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, racism, etc. Just don't be an asshole. 🍺 2. Be nice to our mods. They are our bouncers and our family... and they have full permission to toss anyone from the bar that they think has had too much to drink. 🍺 3. No spam - including, but not limited to... promotional links, follow for follow requests, or incessant repetition of messages/emotes. Be cool. 🍺 4. Please talk to us about your pets and your food. We love both of those things!
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Twitters: 🍺 Bill and Rick: [Bill and Rick]( 🍺 Dave: [Dave! (not Bill)]( 🍺 Tim: [Tim! (not Rick)]( Twitches: 🍺 Bill and Rick: [Ohhh Yeaaah]( 🍺 Dave: [Oh Yea?]( 🍺 Tim: [Yeah Sure](
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🍺 This'll be where we put a schedule... eventually. We've been playing about halfway through a bunch of different games... never fully completing them. XD Usually on Wednesday Evenings (7-ish to 9-ish pm Eastern) and Saturday Mornings (when we wake up-ish EST)... will put up a true schedule eventually or not. :)