Profile banner for bioevilcvx



Resident Evil games console speedrunner and casual variety streamer. I love all types of horror and RPG titles but the Resident Evil franchise holds a special place in my gaming history. Thanks for watching and I hope you all enjoy the content! 😄


Panel Content
Hey everyone these are my channel rules: * I'm Bio and I hope when you find this channel you say hi and I will always respond back. Do not be worried if I do not respond right away as I sometimes get really in the zone when I am having a good run. * Please no chat spam, spam emotes all you like but no excessive unrelated spam please and thank you. *No backseat gaming please unless specifically asked for. *Do not plug your channel here or any other social media of yours unless given permission by me or a mod. *Keep the language to a respectful degree meaning- no hate, sexist, vulgar, phobic comments towards anyone in chat or another streamer EVER! General potty mouths are welcomes since I myself curse up a storm lol. *Last but not least lets have a fun and chill environment here everyone and lets go fast!