84 takipçi


Mostly here to hang out and chat with friends while I do things that aren't that exciting. Trying to stay sane in during our apocalyptic times.

About Me

I'm a longtime PC gamer (the first game I bought with my own money was *[Starflight 2](http://www.gog.com/game/starflight_1_2)* in 1989), mostly RPGs and strategy games. In addition to playing games, I've also done some freelance writing for games and wrote for [themittani.com](http://themittani.com) as Svetlana Scarlet, mostly about the background material for Eve Online. You can also follow me on Twitter at [@Black_Isis](https://www.twitter.com/Black_Isis).

About My Stream

I don't have any wild aspirations when it comes to my stream -- mostly, I'm just looking to make whatever I'm playing a little more social. I'm more than happy to talk about the game and its mechanics, and answer questions, so if you're curious, just ask! I usually stream at least a few times a week -- nights between 7-10 pm Pacific and on weekends in the morning, 9 am to noon.