Biểu ngữ hồ sơ cho blacktrife

501 người theo dõi


I'm a gamer from the 90s era. My favorite type of games are jrpgs but I can also get down with a platform like Sly Cooper here and there.

Nội dung bảng điều khiển
Hello my fellow gamers! My name is Kenny but I also go by Trife / BlackTrife. I am a 31 year old gamer from the 90s era, and was born and raised in New York. I have been in love with video games since an early age. My brother used to give me an unplugged controller while he played Super Nintendo. My first game was Super Mario World at the age of 4, I played it so much the cartridge broke apart. Influenced by two older siblings, I also fell in love with Japanese Role Playing Games experiencing Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy IV, Secret of Mana, and Earthbound.
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
Twitch is an Amazing tool that allows us to discover new games and revisit old ones. If you know me, you know that I am a sucker for Nostalgia. By streaming I hope viewers will be able to relive the many amazing experiences they had playing through classics.
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Racism, Bigotry, Sexism or Discrimination of any sort (unless its about Fantasy Life 2 or Paper Mario Sticker Star) is NOT allowed in this chat and will not be tolerated. Be welcoming and polite to one another. Please do not post any links unless you ask me for permission first. No spoilers please and no backseat gaming. If I am having trouble and need some help I will ask. Finally please DO NOT self promote yourself in my chat.
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Thank you for considering making a donation! All donations will go towards improving the quality of my stream.
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Eastern TimeZone Monday - Friday 8:00 PM - 12:00 AM Saturday - Sunday Random Times
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Chat Commands !duel (username) (points)