Biểu ngữ hồ sơ cho blindkarevikk

522 người theo dõi


LET'S OPEN THIS PIT UP!!!What's up, guys. Thanks for checking out my channel! I'm a self-taught Digital Artist who is just beginning my journey and would love if you came along to check out my progress. I also do a lot of Twitch Sings (Rock/Metal), Retro gaming, as well as Modern Gaming!

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Treat Stream

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Nội dung bảng điều khiển
Donations are always appreciated, but never expected. If you would like to donate you are agreeing to commit and not to do any chargebacks or refunds.
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Nội dung bảng điều khiển
!points - This is to see how many points (hornsup) you have accrued by simply being here. These can be used for duels, song requests (if I have them on), or just bragging rights. !duel - wanna test someone's mettle in chat? Challenge them to a duel and see who emerges victorious! !quote - wanna view some of the best quips this channel has to offer? Take a trip through infamy as we try to meme the shit out of this channel! !add quote - did you hear something funny? Did you say something funny? Did someone else say something funny? Feel free to add it! (quotes are subject to review based on values based on the channel holder as well as Twitch TOS) !8ball - Find your fortune, ask a question and marvel as it replies, "ask again later!" .... okay, perhaps that's a li ttle anticlimactic.