bluestar_ubu 프로필 배너

팔로워 426명


If you want "personal best" speedruns, a talkative streamer, and a slew of unsolicited hot takes, you've come to the right place! I'm Ubu. I like racking up high scores and talking, and I'll be your guide through this extravagant channel!

패널 콘텐츠
Waddup! I'm Ubu, and I like to play video games. Shocker, I know. But the difference between me and everyone else is that I'm kinda good at some of them. Below is a list of personal times established on the channel! Stick around and be super impressed, or get a copy of the games below, take 'em for a spin, and see if you can beat my time! Spyro 1 (Reignited): 4:11:30 Pikmin 4 (Olimar's Shipwreck Tale): 1:50:06
패널 콘텐츠
If you wanna stay on Ubu's good side and not unleash the BEAST, here's a few handy rules: 1) This channel is somewhere between PG and PG-13. Swearing won't get you banned, but try to keep it to a minimum. 2) Don't be a turd to Ubu, mods, or fellow chat members. 3) Like I said before, somewhere between PG and PG-13. Nothing obscene or mean-spirited. 4) If Ubu or a mod says to stop, you stop. Do all this stuff and you're clear for a goofy-chill time!

Feel Free to Tip!

패널 콘텐츠
These streams are made possible purely through my own means for fun. But if you enjoy the time you've spent here, anything you can spare is much appreciated! Just click the "Tip" picture above to be taken to a site where you can donate whatever your heart desires! Thanks so much!