Profile banner for blundurd



He/Him. Here to play games and not stress about being good at it. A friendly and inclusive space, say hi and hang out.

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Gaming since I was knee high and don't intend on stopping any time soon! An LGBTQIA+ streamer (Gay Man) and hope to help support and encourage other members of all communities to be their best self. Not into just gaming, can be quite the thespian and enjoy partaking in some TTRPG and crafting! Everyone is welcome here to chill, chat and have a good time. Too long in the tooth for drama, so nice folk only - the only drama we want is in the game! Subscriber Benefits: Rainbow Rasher Emotes Sounds: !boo !run !wiggle !leave !scared !loser !dead !fear !tbag
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You'll find me playing a wide variety of games, but I'm mostly drawn to horror. In that category you will find me playing: Resident Evil Series Dead By Daylight Fatal Frame Series Silent Hill Series So much more ... I am also a fan of old school RPG's, adventure games and platformers. I'll give everything a go - so expect to see some life sims, adventure, action, platforming - the list is endless! Got a game you want to see me play? Go ahead and give me a recommendation - no promises I'll play it though!
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We are all about the charity here and have regularly donated to many well deserving charities in the past, such as: [LGBT Youth Scotland]( [Mermaids]( [Special Effect]( [Tiny Changes]( I'm always looking for a good cause to raise money for, so suggestions are always welcome! I also take part in 24 hour charity stream over on The Nearly Men to raise money for the [Edinburgh Childrens Hospital Charity]( so make sure you come catch me being a sleepy grumpy Blunder!
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I'm always up for collaborations, from multiplayer games to TTRPG's! One of my biggest collaborations is being one third of [The Nearly Men]( who are all about gaming shenanigans and fun! If you fancy working together, get in touch!