Банер на профила за bonezmcnasty

1,2 хил. последователи


Old guy that loves gaming, and having fun while doing so!

Съдържание на панел
Be nice, and respectful to everyone. No links unless approved No religious or political topics, please. We're all different, and have different views; let's all enjoy ourselves and leave that aspect of daily life at the door. NO RACISM!!!!!
Съдържание на панел
I normally broadcast daily from 12:45am-whenever I need to crash. Wednesday is the only night I don't stream. Times are Central-US.
Съдържание на панел
Donations are NEVER expected, but highly appreciated! Every penny from donations goes toward a streaming PC.
Съдържание на панел
Chanel design all done by MrsCK. If you are interested in something for your own channel, please email her @ mycleverideas@gmail.com or click on the image above to go to her channel.
Съдържание на панел