Profile banner for bookwormjenna



BookwormJenna streams Palia.

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Please abide by the chat rules! Mods (and streamer) reserve the right to timeout/ban anyone not following the rules! - No racism, sexism, homophobia, bullying, or hate of any kind. - No age-related chatting! This is an 18+ stream and if it is discovered you're under 18, you'll be banned immediately. - Don't be a dick!
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[Join my Discord server!!](
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I am participating in a virtual walk and any donations received will go to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. This is a cause very near and dear to my heart. Donations are completely optional and in no way necessary. Do not donate with someone else's money or card. When you click "pay now" you agree to not chargeback/refund any tips made and are the rightful owner of the funds being donated. All donations/tips are final.
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All of my channel art was made by ActivateAngel. She is truly an angel and the best and I cannot recommend her enough! The image links to her website where you can find all her info! Check her out on [Twitch!!](

Crafter Dark

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Unofficial Crafter Dark Stream Team! [AwkwardSquared]( [Pawsitivelystitched]( [Juliermp]( [Tessaundra]( [Robynie]( [THE_PIZZA_HYPE_IS_REAL]( [MissMaryMackMakes](
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Knotty By Nature, or KBN, is a Twitch Stream Team created by a community of streamers who love & use fiber in their creative streams.