Profile banner for bootherat



I'M THE MAGIC RAT WHO MAKES ALL THE RULES! Streams Tuesdays & Thursdays!

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>**Cheezed to meet you!** >**Credits** >>⛧[Design & Model]( >>⛧[Rigging]( >>⛧[Panels]( >>⛧[Raid Alert]( >>⛧[Subscription Alert]( >>⛧[Animated Emotes]( >>⛧[Stinger]( >>⛧[Badges]( >>⛧[Starting Soon Screen]( >>⛧[BGM](
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>**THE RAT MAKES ALL THE RULES** >>⛧PLS BEHAVE >>⛧Be civil and kind to the rat and everyone in chat. >>⛧Do not boo-ly me, i WILL cry :} >>⛧I make a lot of dirty jokes, but if you lewd me I WILL give you the Bad Potion. >>⛧Have fun!
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Click [here]( to support the potion fund! All donations will go toward improving my streaming operations in my witch hut!
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