Profile banner for bootlegpickle



Hi there, I'm a gamer who loves bootlegs. I speedrun NES bootleg demakes of popular games like: Link to the Past, Resident Evil, Donkey Kong Country, and Aladdin. I also sometimes speedrun normal games too. I try to stream when I can, life is demanding.

About me

Hi everyone, I stream and speedrun bootleg games. I play/run the bootleg demakes of Resident Evil, A Link to the Past, Donkey Kong Country, Aladdin and Earthworm Jim to name a few. I think these games are just so intriguing that I have to run them. So why bootlegs? Well the simple answer is that they're rare. I collect video games from all ranges and I found about this demake of Final Fantasy VII on the NES. Once I found out about these crazy Chinese games I went down the rabbithole finding out everything I could. Now that I've gone out of my way to find and buy these weird and wacky games, I thought it was best that I share it with you all. I've been playing video games since I was just a wee lad running MS-DOS 6.0 by floppy boot disk. My first video game console was a NES; I have fond memories of the day my father bought it for me and surprised me with more games than he promised. Since then I've really loved video games and nowadays I collect them all from NES to Saturn to CD-i to PS4, whatever it is, I'm interested. If you want to know about the games I run, my PBs are on the extension next to this one. My most proud PB is the WR in Cosmo Police Galivan, CPG isn't a bootleg, but the run requires godlike luck and perfect play the whole way through. I developed new strats to save about 3-5 seconds on the old record but made one mistake at the end in an otherwise flawless run and beat the record by half a second. I hope to beat it one day, but that run took over 2,000 attempts. If you have a bootleg or unlicensed game that you think I should have a go at, let me know! I hope you enjoy the stream. Please consider giving a follow as it really helps. Thanks, love you all and I hope you have a nice life.