Profile banner for bornstainless



Good day to all you fine people and welcome to my channel! If you've found yourself on my page, drop by in chat and say hello, we're all about good vibes and radiating positive energy out into the world. I play a variety of games but the main games you will see on this channel are FPS and BR games.

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Hello everyone! I'm Chase and I'm very new to streaming. What you will find on this channel is a variety of games but I gravitate towards FPS, Battle Royale and Action/Adventure games.
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Donations to the stream are never required but always appreciated. All donations are non-refundable.
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Drop a follow on my instagram to get a deeper glimpse into my life.
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Follow my twitter to stay up to date! (Along with retweets about the Steelers)
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Here's a link to the last album I made. (Written, Produced, Recorded, Mixed, and Mastered in its entirety by myself)