Profile banner for boxghostlive



Streaming DC Universe Online with 2 viewers

Formerly known as a super saiyan normal-type monkey based pokemon or something...Currently a married Vtuber-Egirl-Fella. Don't think about it lmao


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For now since my dayjob is all over the place with hours, I'm unable to set a schedule in stone. Chances are if I'm playing a game at home, I will most likely stream it! Join our discord to be notified of Stream Events like movie nights, tournaments or channel point bet streams!


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I'm a variety streamer first and foremost, but depending on the vibe you'll catch me playing MMOs, Fighting Games, Souls-like games and I absolutely love the recent Pokemon games. I don't play anything at a high or competitive level.


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We do have a discord server! Ask for a link when I'm live and I got you!


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Rapidfire small facts: My pronouns are He/Him/They/Them/Box I'm engaged to CosmicNeptunia (Aka Panda) I am from New York I'm in my late 20s

Merch Shop

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About Me

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Hello, I'm Boxghost, part time content creator, full time Evelynn and Harley Quinn simp, amateur voice actor and Vtuber. Don't think too hard about what you bump into during this stream lmao.

Youtube Channel

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See all of my projects old and new on the youtube channel!


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I hate and don't really use twitter, but hey it's here! This is the single WORST way to try and reach me aside from facebook lmao


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I'd like to up the quality on all forms of content across youtube and twitch- so any donations to help buy equipment in exchange for any entertainment is greatly appreciated but never neccesary!