Profile banner for br1ghtnesss



Br1ghtnesss streams Planet Crafter and Lethal Company.

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Hi there! Welcome to the stream where both chatters and lurkers are appreciated and welcome. I play a little bit of everything, mainly storybased games (fave is Tomb Raider) but I also play some multiplayer horror games. I'm a huge tv series/show nerd (you can tell from my alerts) and would love to hear which your favorite is! Sometimes my brain needs to reset with the English language so be ready for some gibberish and Swedish!
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Join the Loft and be apart of a small but amazing community!
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What I'm planing on streaming : - Stardew Valley - Horizon Zero Dawn - Rise of the Tomb Raider - Hogwarts Legacy - Elden Ring - Disneys Lion King & Aladdin - Days Gone Games I've played on stream : - Shadow of the Tomb Raider