Banner del profilo di bradborygmosenraged

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BradborygmosEnraged esegue lo streaming di Magic: The Gathering.

Contenuto riquadro
Hey, I'm Brad Carpenter and I can occasionally be found playing Magic: the Gathering at Magic fests?, Star City Games opens, and Pro Tours. More recently however, the best place to find me is right here on Twitch. I play a wide variety of decks across all formats. More often than not you'll find me playing modern, but I try to explore any format that I may be playing at an upcoming event.
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Monday-Friday 2pm - 4pm est. 12am - 4 am est. Weekends I Generally try to stream a late night stream on these nights starting around 11pm est. This plan changes if I happen to be traveling!
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Do you have a brew you want to see played on stream? Or alternatively want me to play a specific archetype, you can donate $20 and I'll play whatever 75 magic cards you request! Every donation helps me get to events and survive everyday life =D
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Follow for updates on the stream, including upcoming events that I'll be at!