Biểu ngữ hồ sơ cho brassydoots

779 người theo dõi


A genuine person looking to share the games I love with anyone interested in joining me. Trying to make this full time streaming dream a reality one day at a time. Love a variety of games including Pokémon, Final Fantasy, Destiny, and more! Grateful every day for this amazing community we've built.

Donate directly here to support the stream!

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If you would like to support the stream without giving subs or bits, click this link/picture and donate as much as you would like! Different alerts are set off for different amounts. Please note that Paypal does take a very small percentage of every donation and that these donations are NON-REFUNDABLE. Thank you so much for your support!

Download Streamlabs through my referral link if you'd like!

Nội dung bảng điều khiển Doing so gives me like 40 cents so that's pretty cool. Just copy it into the address bar!

Follow me on Twitter!

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For more updates and general twitter nonsense, make sure to follow me there!