853 követő


Ex-Bethesda, ex-LucasArts, and now Tech Director at Twin Suns Corp. I shipped Skyrim; Fallout 3; Star Wars: Republic Commando; Jedi Starfighter; and Starfighter. Podcast co-host at DevGameClub.com (sometimes homework here) and whatever else I feel like streaming.

Who's this guy?

Hi, I'm **Brett Douville**, long time video game developer and even longer time video game player, though when I started we called them computer games and there wasn't even a monitor. Times have changed. You may know me from games like *The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim*, *Fallout 3* or *4*, or going further back, from my LucasArts days, when I led programming teams on *Star Wars: Republic Commando* and *Jedi Starfighter*, after being a gameplay programmer on the original *Star Wars: Starfighter*. Most recently I've worked on *Tacoma*. Mostly I play older games here now in connection with the podcast I host with **Tim Longo**, previously CD on the *Halo* franchise, but with whom I worked on all three of my LucasArts games. The podcast is [**Dev Game Club**](http://devgameclub.com) and we post weekly, doing deep dives over several episodes about classic games and how they've influenced us today.