brittanyhottmann 的个人资料横幅

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Actress. Video games. Actress in a video game! 🏳️‍🌈 Variety streamer who isn’t that great at playing video games but plays them all the time anyway. I also dabble in impromptu 1 woman shows, virtual photography, Fisherprice fishing & so much more! 🌙 Welcome to the Hottpeople Network!


Howdy! I'm Brittany. I'm a cool queer girl just trying to have a good time, eat chocolate chip cookie ice cream sandwiches, hang out with animals, play video games, act in video games, act in other shit, laugh until I cry, and make new friends along the way. I collect little dinosaur things but admittedly don't know enough about them as I should. I should probably learn more. I have daughter named Eloise; she's a lizard, or my very own dinosaur. As I mentioned above, I love video games. My top three favorite modern games are Life is Strange (the original), and Red Dead Redemption II, and The Last of Us II in no particular order. TLOU fans, please note: This is an Abby-friendly stream. We love her here. Look out for my virtual photography streams. I love in-game photography. Check out my TLOU work at both Instas: @mayyoursurvivalbelong @mayyourdeathbeswift Someday, you will FOR REAL see me in a video game. Seriously! I so look forward to the day I can share it with you guys... but in the meantime, it's cool just chillin' with you and doing what the heck ever. I love you guys. Thank you for letting me ramble, ramble, ramble about XYZ and who knows what else. I love you all forever & always. Welcome to my community! This is The Hottpeople Network. We're all hotties here. :)


YEARS of therapy & meds have not been as effective for me as they could be, which has deemed my severe depression as "treatment resistant," (along with my 5 comorbid diagnoses - BPD, bipolar II, ADHD, PTSD & generalized anxiety), until recently. I'm finally starting to feel relief while undergoing treatment through intravenous ketam*ne infusion therapy. This transcendent therapy is helping to save my life, but comes at a hefty price, with no help from insurance. The initial cost was $2,400 for a 3-week 6 infusion program. This was at a discounted rate, as my mental decline has been so severe that I was granted a half-priced scholarship. I will need ongoing boosters, as well, which amount to $1900, if purchased in a package of 3. Individually, boosters are $850 at the clinic I'm treated at. I'm trying to take care of myself & experience life, but I'm struggling to afford to do either, let alone both. Your donation will help me continue to get the intensive treatment I need, but may also be allocated toward additional treatments, perhaps savings toward a psychiatric service dog, assistance with bills & rent if needed & life emergencies, as they arise. Your generosity will help me change my life. Anything at all is more than appreciated. Thank you for reading. Thank you for supporting me. Thank you for being here and for seeing me. Thank you so much. I love you all. *Note: Donations & wishlist purchases are non-refundable.


Some viewers have asked me about my Amazon wishlist. Be it a birthday gift or just because, this is the place to look. Click the photo to direct you to my wishlist! If you would prefer to donate funds that I can utilize for my intensive mental health treatment & life emergencies, please click here instead: *Note: Donations & wishlist purchases are non-refundable.

Be nice.

Respectfully, come as you are. -Come as the best version of yourself you that you can bring to our community in that moment. What "best" means will vary person-to-person. That version of yourself does not need to be polished or painted over. The Hottpeople Network is an open community to connect with other likeminded, empathetic, warm people. This is a safe space to vent, but please remember we can only help so much. Feel free to express yourself and your life experiences. By coming, respectfully, as you are: Don't be a d!ck. -Communication: We can & SHOULD have open conversations to learn and grow from one another and grow WITH each other. We all come from different walks of life, different backgrounds, all across the globe! How can we learn from each other if we don't ask questions? If someone is ignorant but willing to learn, let's chat! If you're willfully ignorant, however, or just a plain bigot: Please note, I will not tolerate hate speech, misogyny, or discrimination of ANY kind in this stream. The door is CLOSED to ANYONE who does not abide by these same values. Please gently communicate with me if I, myself, or another member of chat has unknowingly / unintentionally breeched this boundary. My whispers are turned off for non-mutuals on Twitch, but my Discord is open if you'd prefer to message me privately. Yeah, I have to say it: This is an Abby-friendly stream. -The hostile response to Abby's character from The Last of Us: Part II is exhausting; If you know, you know. I'm not dealing with arguments that are brought on to attack her character for her physical features, sexual orientation, gender identity, or anything else that is quite frankly, a bigoted, narrow-minded (NON) reason to hate a person. This branches off of my last statement, as it would be the same if you made remarks like this to *anyone* in this stream, as comments such as these go directly against the values of our community. It has nothing to do with whether or not you like her character. However, bear in mind, she is well loved here by the majority. -PLEASE be cautious of giving out spoilers during gameplay. Check in! Ask if it's a first play through before dropping juicy story deets. Starting a story with a blank slate is a very personal part of gameplay for me and I want to extend that same respect to the members of our community. Regardless of your circumstances, as long as you're in line with the values of our community, you have a home here, and you are a friend. We're not here for a long time, so let's have a good time. Welcome to The Hottpeople Network. Everyone's a Hottie here.