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Part-time streamer, full-time editor of chocoTaco's YouTube videos. MFA in Creative Writing, MA in Literature Studies. I like plants.

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Hello! My name is Beth, aka broadstroke, and I edit the famous [chocoTaco's]( YouTube videos. I have no formal education in video editing, but rather have an MFA in Creative Writing and an MA in English & Literature Studies. I use Adobe Premiere for my video editing, and everything I know about it was learned from YouTube videos. I mainly stream my editing, which usually happens anywhere from 9 PM - midnight US Central. A few other things about me: I love plants, reading, writing, baking, hiking, and drawing no-look portraits. I am more comfortable in a rocking chair than I am anywhere else. My Myers-Briggs Personality Type is [INTJ]( Follow me on [Instagram]( Follow me on [Twitter]( Thank you for being here.
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**Q1.** How did you get the job of editing chocoTaco's videos? **A1.** My ex-husband, Reid, and choco are BFFs who went to college together, and in October of 2017 choco asked Reid if he would like to edit his PUBG gameplay for YouTube. Reid did this for a few months, but then decided he wanted to start streaming because he was getting a following from playing on choco's stream. I told choco I could take over the YouTube channel, choco said okay, and the rest is history. **Q2.** What editing software do you use? **A2.** Adobe Premiere. I can attest that it is easy to learn. I mostly learned from watching YouTube videos and just playing around in the program. **Q3.** Is video editing your full-time job? **A3.** Yes. In July of 2018 I was able to quit my full-time job as an Advertising Rep. and editor for a small magazine in Minnesota and start doing this full-time. **Q4.** Why did you choose the name "broadstroke?" **A4.** When I first signed up for Twitch, I spent more than an hour trying to pick a name. EVERYTHING WAS TAKEN. So I just started typing random words from my education as a writer, and "broadstroke" was the first thing that wasn't rejected, so I stuck with it. But I think it's a good choice. It's a term that originated in the world of painting: painting with broad strokes creates an image that doesn't have a lot of detail but can leave a powerful impression. If humanity were a painting, each person would be a broad stroke, so I am just one broadstroke among many, trying to leave my impression. Why yes I was an English major why do you ask?