Profile banner for bubbleman



Poppin' along, trying to be the very best like people before me were.


English only unless I'm doing a Japanese learning/practice stream ▪ Leave current affairs at the door (drama, politics, world news etc.) ▪ Be civil and respect opinions, common sense applies at all times ▪ If the chat is empty, don't point it out; just let lurkers enjoy their lurk. ▪ We're all here to have a good time - be nice to each other. Any rule breaks result in a message deletion, a time-out and then a ban.


[Watch this first]( - Have you returned to playing osu!? For fun! Doing my best to get my old skill back so I can enjoy myself as I used to - Did you still follow osu! while gone? In passing, yes. I enjoyed watching the scene develop and the players improve. Scores are nutty now it's crazy - What are you planning to do now? Hit the gym, focus on both my university degree and my upcoming 4th Dan grading in mid-2024 and enjoy having no weekend commitments. - Are you planning to stream full-time? Current (attempted) schedule: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 18:30-21:30 UTC Bonus streams possible any time Sat/Sun


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