Profile banner for bubbles2o8



Hello and Welcome to my Channel. My name is Sean, but you can call me Bubbz, and I'm a Canadian Variety Streamer. I play a Variety of games ranging from MMO, Shooter, Horror, Survival, and many More! My Main Game is Elder Scrolls Online, and love to play games with my friends. Hope to see you soon!

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Hello there, I'm Sean Thank you for checking out my channel! I'm a 24yr old long time gamer, I started playing games on the Gameboy Color, and have very fond memories of playing games growing up with my brothers. I have 2 Cats Peep, and Shannon, one is very energetic, and the other is lazy. A few facts about me: I'm fascinated with Astrology, History, and learning random Facts Creating Dungeons and Dragons Maps and maybe someday I hope to set up a Patreon to sell my Maps and other creations. I'm currently learning Guitar, and hope to play like a Pro someday.
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More Commands are to come, here's what i have for now: Custom Commands: !peep !rfact Elder Scrolls Online Builds: !temp !nblade
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