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Hello Happy Gamers! The name is Bubbs I am a cheerful (most of the time ^^ ) person that loves to play Rainbow Six Siege and a few random games. I am always up for a chat or a game together drop me a message when I'm Live or come and swing by my discord!

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Welcome Potential Viewers to my Stream! The name is Bubbs, I am just a non-ordinary being with a talent for being a bit nuts! I would say I have my mouse pointed an several games, I play a fair few including: Rainbow Six Siege, Apex Legends, PUBG, Warframe, Overwatch and World of Warcraft. But I have several in my library, if you ever want to see me play a game on stream just let me know!
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Not a Requirement but Always Appreciated!
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If you are feeling the Good Vibes, Subscribe! You will gain access to Ad-Free Viewing AND access to my UNIQUE Emotes!
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Chat Rules: 1) Be Nice - It really bothers me when I see people arguing with each other in stream chat, like what is the point? Everyone is different just be nice! 2) NO Discrimination - This rules is a zero policy. If you break it you will NOT be invited back to this channel. This includes being: Racist, Sexist and being offensive about anything from Age to Bubblegum Flavour. 3) No Spam - This means I will not allow people to constantly repeat the same phrases, spam personal advertisement or anything of the sort.
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I have small Discord Set up where people are welcome to join and come to talk to me while I stream or even just chill when they are bored
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Yautja, This man has a voice so smooth it's crazy!! Amazing dude who play RoE, If you're interested check check out his channel! - Ded, This crazy dude is like one the funniest people I have ever gamed with, He plays Siege but has off games too. Check out his channel for a barrel of laughs! - Luna, this particular lady has a talent for team synergy, no game has ever been played where she doesn't help you without you noticing. Check out her channel -