Profile banner for bubz491



Variety streamer playing fun things, more down below.

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Bald Gamer Man from Michigan I am a simple man with simple pleasures, I play a game, I like the game, I get addicted to everything about it and likely play it to completion to the point I focus solely on that game for weeks at a time, its a real problem send help. I am a fairly open book and willing to answer most any question asked of me. I am thankful to each and every follower and watcher that I have on here as I cannot do this without you all. And lastly, Missed a stream? check out this Youtube channel. every stream i make will be loaded up there. [Bubz491](
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A little bit of everything, I consider myself a variety streamer, but there are genres I love such as: RPG, Fantasy, Sci-Fi Usually if a game covers those I am all over trying it out. My favorite game series goes to, and this is after alot of thought, Spyro the Dragon with Metroid right next to it, you will see those quite often on this channel, but with Metroid I tend to focus on randomizers, with Spyro I tend to do 100% runs otherwise the games end too quickly for me. I also try to play some online games with friends every so often, hoping to do more as time moves on. Current systems I own: NES Classic, SNES Classic, SEGA Genesis, N64, PS2, WiiU, PS3, PS4, Switch, PS5, and a PC built for gaming
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Feel free to hang around but please respect the rules. 1) no drama 2) the mods have the final say, if they say stop, you stop. 3) no backseat gaming unless asked 4) swearing is ok but not excessively, that is reserved for the streamer 5) no offensive language, as in no hateful things, no bigotry or anything like that. We accept all people here except those that are hateful. 6) be respectful of the streamer, the mods, and your fellow viewer 3 Strike rule. First time a warning, Second time a time out, Third time Ban Hammer
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Enjoy the stream? Wanna show support? Drop a tip if you are so inclined. Side effects of tipping are as follows: - gratitude from streamer - supporting the streamer - makes yourself feel good for supporting a streamer. WARNING: - tipping will not make someone fall in love with you - will not bring people back from the dead (its not a pretty picture) - will not give reckoning onto your enemies Click the image to tip, or [click here](