Biểu ngữ hồ sơ cho bumbleklee

1,8 N người theo dõi


bumbleklee truyền trực tiếp Pokémon Red/Blue, PiKUNiKU và Worlds Adrift.

Nội dung bảng điều khiển
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
My name is **Bumble**, and I am a dork, gamer, and software developer. Video gaming has been a hobby of mine since before I could even read (circa early 1990s playing Super Mario Bros on my cousins' NES), and continues to be a wonderful part of my life. I love both the nostalgia and novelty that games have to offer, and streaming has allowed me to share my fun with a bunch of lovely people. Welcome to the **Honeydoodles** community 🐝 After many lovely years with my community, I no longer actively stream. You can find me on [Twitter](!