bunchata için profil afişi

6,8 B takipçi


Sanat, 59 izleyici ile yayında

ᐢ . ‸.ᐢ₎ ♥ Hi I'm Buncha, little freak ass rabbit! Welcome to CosCo legally distinct from CostCo cuz I blew up the T!

Panel İçeriği
✦ TL;DR: - Buncha | 27 | She/They | just a very gay rabbit ✦ Hemwo I'm Buncha!! you can call me whatever variation of BunChata you feel like ✦ I'm a fully self-made bunny VTuber! drawn and rigged by these MASTERFUL(TM) HANDS ✦ My followers are AmiBuns and visit CosCo (the stream! and legally distinct from CostCo because I blew up the T) - Subscribers get their CosCo Membership Card and get all my silly little emotes Donations are not necessary, and I greatly appreciate you wanting to contribute!! ✦ [Buy stickers, prints, pins, and more from Star and I's shop!](https://starandbun.com/) ✦ [One time donation through Ko-Fi! This will have an on screen alert](https://ko-fi.com/bunchata)
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# THIS STREAM HAS 4 MIN OF ADS (in two blocks) EVERY HOUR! This removes pre-roll for new viewers and supports me financially. ## I know ads are annoying but DO NOT TELL ME HOW MANY ADS YOU GET. I'm aware ads are happening and the block length, telling me how many does nothing but make me anxious. ◽ English only please! <3 I only speak English and this allows easy moderation ◽ My streams are 18+ - for crude language and humor! ◽ Be kind and respectful to fellow AmiBuns and yourself - no racism, homo/transphobia, ableism, any and all forms of bigotry. ◽ Please keep self promoting to the promo corner in my Discord server! ◽ No politics or heavy talk unless I bring it up first - I am prone to do this so please be aware! ◽ If you use the TTS you will abide by my TTS ToS as well as Twitch's ToS or you will be timed out / banned as myself or Mods feel appropriate. Please put !TTS in chat to review!


Panel İçeriği
♥ My commission are currently on VGen! Click the image above [or here](https://vgen.co/BunChata) to go to my VGen page and follow my Twitter to get opening updates!
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[My wish list!](https://throne.com/bunchata) I'm a Throne Partner! Gifts received pop up on screen and you can send GIFs with it!
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I use TTS Monster for all Text-To-Speech things on stream! Utilize the variety of voices and sound effects I have available - [click here for the list of voices / SFX and formatting!](https://tts.monster/bunchata) TTS activates with channel points, bits, donations, and re-subscriptions

Socials / Contact Me!

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#♥ For **STREAM** related things - **Bunchata.Biz@gmail.com** #♥ For **ART** related things - **Bunchata.Art@gmail.com** ♥ [Twitter](https://twitter.com/bunchata) ♥ [TikTok](https://www.tiktok.com/@bunchata) ♥ [Portfolio](https://bunchata.art/)
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click the Buncha above to join the discord server! Get my emotes, chat, and live notifications

Credits and PC Specs

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♥ Please click the credits picture above for my full credits page with break downs of custom and for purchase assets! [Or click these words right here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tXJpU4BXynd3XBmSK_zuKj222K7hwlg6HNpjyxNoUlI/edit?usp=sharing) - my PC specs are also in there if you're interested in that stuff!