
Hello, I'm Burb and I stream video games sometimes.


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Welcome to the channel! I started speedrunning retro games in late 2014 and I find it a lot of fun sometimes. I also play some modern stuff sometimes, like Phantasy Star Online 2 or some horror game. #Quality Since the start, I've always had the goal to bring high-quality streams. I have some fancy equipment. Cinema-camera, good mic, scalers, capture cards. However, on Twitch I stream retro in 1080p60 but when playing modern titles I can only do 720p due to Twitch limiting us to 6000 bitrate. So please also subscribe to my [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/@Burb__) channel where I'm able to stream in 1440p60 / 2160p60! #Tetris I'm also a huge fan of **Tetris: The Grand Master** arcade series, and may stream that from time to time from my arcade cabinet. Generally you'll see Tetris streams in March-April. #Records for TGM TGM1 Master: **GM** TGM2 Master: **S5** TGM3 Master: **S8** TGM2 Death: **437** TGM3 Shirase: **408** #Disclaimer TGM series are properties of Arika Co., Ltd. The videos are released by following the guidelines below. [http://www.arika.co.jp/tgm_g.html](http://www.arika.co.jp/tgm_g.html) In addition, the Tetris The Grand Master (TGM) series are played on authentic licensed arcade PCB hardware.


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For Retro I mainly use a MiSTer FPGA system. In the past I used Analogue Nt Mini Noir and before that RGB-modded NES/SNES/Genesis etc. For analogue signal capture I use a Datapath VisionRGB-E2S PCI-E framegrabber. For HDMI I use a Magewell Pro Capture 4K Plus LT. #PC CPU: AMD Ryzen 9, 5900X RAM: 64 GB DDR4 GPU: Nvidia RTX 4080 16 GB Mic: Audio-Technica BPHS-1 (XLR) Camera: Sony FX3


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Well should you feel the urge to be very generous here's the link to my [donation page](https://twitch.streamlabs.com/burb__)