Záhlaví kanálu burn

256,4 tis. sledujících


Hey it's me.

Obsah panelu
AI TTS voices and special sound bites. Follow the instructions clicking this panel and have fun!
Obsah panelu
Click the image for more details. GETYO MERCH
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Obsah panelu
Hi, I'm Burn. 27-Year-Old Film graduate, Voice actor, and as of recent - an idiot on the internet.
Obsah panelu
[TTS GUIDE](https://tts.monster/burn OR click monster tts panel above) NO REFUNDS
Obsah panelu
⚫ - Keep the Chat clean and fun! ⚫ - Respect others. ⚫ - No Racial slurs of any kind. ⚫ - Use discretion with donation messages! Try to keep them clean too!
Obsah panelu
Click the panel image to keep up to date with when I go live and join the community!
Obsah panelu
That prime is up for use isn't it? Might as well...
Obsah panelu
Click the image to get to my twitter~