Profile banner for buzzwalrus



Hi! My name is Cameron. I am a Software developer. I'm new to streaming so any feedback is welcomed! Please feel free to chat with me and ask me anything. !commands

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I usually stream around 8 pm EST a couple of times a week
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If you have Twitch Prime you can subscribe for free when you link your account. Subs get ad-free viewing, access to my emote (hopefully emotes soon), earn more channel points (fish), get promoted to Carrot on the discord right away, get to play with me when I have an open party, and can add their own command.
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The Forest Pokemon Crystal Fortnite RimWorld
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Where are you from? - I am originally from the U.K. but I now live in Canada What programming languages do you know? - The main ones I use are Python, C++, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and SQL Why Walrus? - It's an operator in Python and also they are awesome animals
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When I hit 10 subs I will wear a dress for an entire long stream
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Catch us Thursday nights for some hot n ready stew.
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Hi! My name is Cameron. I am a software developer that streams when they can! I like to play a range of games. Some of my current favorites include Rust, Hades, Raft, Project Zomboid. But I will honestly just play anything that takes my fancy.
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Thanks so much for considering to donate. An alert and message will appear on screen. All donations go towards improving the channel. Please note I can't offer refunds on tips/donations