Imagine de profil pentru c7_the_epic

29 urmăritori


Hi. I play games, and also make games.

About C

I am a Software Engineer with a BS in Computer Science, specifically Game Design. I like to play and collect video games. I also like puns, hanging out with friends, and generally just having a good time. If that sounds good to you, hang about! Or don't! Do what you want to do. #Other Places You Can Find Me **[Twitter](** I rant a lot about stupid things and make really stupid Jokes. Fair warning. **[Tumblr](** I rant, do small reviews, etc. **[Backloggery](** Here is my complete collection, mostly up-to-date. You may see me play some older games off here to try and keep my unfinished down ##Want to support me? I am not, nor do I ever expect to be, big enough to even consider doing this for money, nor would I expect anyone to want to. If you do then great! But for now, if you like my content just hit the follow button. If you're heart set on buying something, I have am Android game available on the Google Play Store: Split It. [Check it out here](


What I say goes. Ultimately if you do something trolly, offensive, or intentionally annoying, I'll kick you. That's it. I'm here to have a good time, and I suspect most other people are here too. However, here are some rules of thumb: + **No harassing me or other viewers.** We're here to have fun and play video games + **No abusing Keewybot.** It's sassy enough as it is + **No trolling.** If you're novelty account is stupid and trolly, it's out. + **Please don't bug lurkers**, they may not care about chat and you know what? That's totally fine. + **No sketchy links.** The bot will enforce this one + **No spoilers.** If I want hints, I will ask

What You Can Expect Me to Do

#Play Video Games Ultimately I'm streaming me playing games to get me to actually play games and share the experience. I'm also a bit of a Game Designer, so you may see some more interesting commentary or rants. Mostly bad opinions, actually ##Speedrunning I ran a few games once, may do that again if something tickles my fancy. Currently, my PB's (Personal Bests) are: + Luigi's Mansion 100% at 1:27:01 + New Super Mario Bros (WiiUVC) Any%: 30:20 ##Defeating the Backlog If I don't have any idea what to play, you may see me playing games off [My Backloggery]( to keep my unplayed reasonable. This will never be 100%, and that's also fine ##Random Shenanigans Silly games, w/e I feel like. Hell, I may do some light drinking and do some even more casual stuff.